Existing Steel Bridge Construction Projects
Arun Khola - Steel Bridge Construction
This bridge over the Arun river provides all season access for 203,000 people and helps, in conjunction with the other UK funded projects in the district, to lift them out of poverty and lessen their reliance on external aid.Sabha Khola - Steel Bridge Construction
One two lane bridge completed, the biggest clear span bridge in Nepal, the other in progress. The first being built in record time for bridge construction in Nepal.Eyat - Sudan Steel Bridge Construction Project
More than 30 bridges constructed in Southern Sudan to ensure the long-term highway infrastructure, incorporating pedestrian footpaths and two lane roadways providing safety for all users.Double 40m Span River Bridge Construction Project
Construction of a 40m span river bridge in Sudan, erected via a cantilever launch.Rio De Boca - Belize Steel Bridge Construction Project
Construction of a 3 span large rise steel bridge over the river in Belize, allowing for the need to reduce regular heavy traffic and avoid the bridge becoming encased in mud.50m Span Steel Bridge Construction Project
Two lane through truss roadway bridge constructed in Sudan to allow lorries to pass safely.Piluwa Khola - Nepal Steel Bridge Construction Project
New earthquake resistant bridge in Nepal across the Piluwa Khola river, incorporating a carriage way of single lane traffic and a walkway using galvanised steel to stop corrosionl.
Queens Award

Queens Award for Enterprise
International Trade 2006 2008 2009