Arun Khola - Steel Bridge Construction
120 metre Arun River Steel
Truss Bridge
launch over the Arun River, Leguwa, Nepal
This bridge over the Arun River provides all season access for 203,000 people and helps, in conjunction with the other UK funded projects in the district, to lift them out of poverty and reduce their reliance on aid in both the immediate district and the six other districts directly served by the new crossing.
The Arun River is both fast flowing and full throughout the year, so a cantilever launch method for the erection of the steel truss was chosen.
This required detailed consideration of the erection system to be built into the design and the bridge was cantilevered from both sides of the river with incremental erection of the truss facilitated by lifting the individual steel sections with gantry cranes supplied as part of the REIDsteel steelwork.
Local residents were hired where possible, and made a valuable contribution to the project.
The construction was carried out by local contractor Kalika with Tim Stiff, the British Government agent, in attendance.
The bridge was opened to traffic in October 2013 with official inauguration in January 2014.
Queens Award

Queens Award for Enterprise
International Trade 2006 2008 2009